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Brazos High School - Home of the Cougars and Cougarettes

BRAZOS HIGH SCHOOL / P.O. Box 458,16621 HWY 36 S., Wallis, TX 77485 / PHONE 979- 478-6832 / FAX 979-478-2300

What's going on at Brazos High School?

If you have an emergency or need an urgent response please call one of the following numbers. 

High School 979-478-6832, if there is no answer you may call 979-885-8233.

Middle School 979-478-6814, if there is no answer you may call 979-885-9612.

Elementary School 979-478-6610, if there is no answer you may call 979-885-8785.


BRAZOS HIGH SCHOOL / P.O. Box 458,16621 HWY 36 S., Wallis, TX 77485 / PHONE 979- 478-6832 / FAX 979-478-2300


Brazos High School is a secured campus. Doors located at the commons and bus porch will be unlocked from 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM. At 8:00 AM, all exterior doors will be locked. After 8:00 AM, visitors, late students, parents, etc may only enter through the commons door or bus porch door. There are buzzers, voice boxes, and video cameras located at each of these entrances. The secretary, or designee, will grant access to visitors. Thank you for helping us to keep Brazos High School a safe, secure learning environment.

Our vision:  

BRAZOS ISD inspires each student to become a productive citizen who demonstrates leadership, passion, and self-reliability. We foster a culture of respect, community, perseverance, and achievement.  

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